Bar Associations In Turkey



Bar Associations are professional bodies with the status of public organisations having a legal identity and working according to democratic principles. Their purpose is to meet the common needs of the legal profession, to support and protect the rule of law and human rights, and the reputation, ethical approach and order of the profession. They encourage the development of the legal profession and ensure its members treat each other and their clients honestly and with integrity.

A Bar Association has been founded in every provincial centre with at least 30 Attorneys. There are currently 78 associations in Turkey, the organizational structure of Bar Associations are; General Assembly,Executive Board, Presidency, Presidential Board, Disciplinary Committee and Supervisory Board. The General Assembly includes all registered attorneys and meets once every two years.

Since the Union of Turkish Bar Associations was established in 1969, it has worked in the most effective way to bring about the conditions necessary for “the rule of law” and “fair trial”.

Pursuant to the provision of the Turkish present constitution; “Bar Associations are professional bodies with the status of public organisations having a legal identity and working according to democratic principles. Their purpose is to meet the common needs of the legal profession, to support and protect the rule of law and human rights, and the reputation, ethical approach and order of the profession. They encourage the development of the legal profession and ensure its members treat each other and their clients honestly and with integrity.”